Monday 28 January 2013

Magazine article designing 4

Using the type tool I chose the Zapfino font and typed 'Vector' to create a logo for it.
I found a vector graphic image online and imported in into Photoshop by saving it onto my desktop and dragging it onto my project. I then started to add text into the boxes that I wanted to use.

The smiley face I created didn't work the way that I wanted it to, so I created a new one with the ellipse tool and gave it a green fill. I used the brush tool with a size setting of 54 to draw the mouth and eyes onto it. I  also started to create a box around the title. I used the rectangle tool to create the squares and I gave one a green fill and one a red fill and then copied them onto new layers. After lining them up into the sequence that I wanted them, I selected the layers that were the same colour,  rasterized them and the merged them so that they were a solid block of alternating coloured squares. After doing this for sections of four, I joined these new sections together and did the same thing. I used the transform rotate tool to rotate the two end blocks so that they were vertical instead of horizontal, lined them up and then merged them to create the box. 

My finished article. For the box around the title, I had to use the transform rotate tool to make it straight instead of at a slant because I couldn't fit all the text in. I moved some of the text into different sections that are different to what I had originally planned, simply because I couldn't make it fit otherwise.

I downloaded some pictures for the Adobe Illustrator and the Photoshop logo and imported them into my project in the same way as I did for the vector graphic image.

I used a gradient fill for the background, I used a light grey gradient on the right side of the article so that it's not just a plain background, but I didn't want to add colour since that would make it look too busy.

Tuesday 22 January 2013


Assets needed for this production:

Footage - We collected all of out footage within about a week with separate filming times on different days. We used a camera and a tripod. The first day included footage of our actor, Dom, in the reception collecting 'results'. This will be used for the second section of our narrative which shows the actor as a teenager going onto college. We also captured footage of our actor in a room on a computer researching things to do with science, this is because he's so interested in it. He's getting ready for an exam and we show him crossing off the days on a calendar up to the day of the exam.

The second day filming, we captured footage of Dom, running with his results. He runs out of the college reception, and then we cut to him running out of the Corpus school gates so that it looks like he has just come from the school. He's running because he's excited about his grades. He runs down Forest Way and onto the College campus. We captured footage of him running up the stairs in the college media building. Our idea is that he's on his way to enroll or have an interview and he's running up the stairs to an office. He stands outside the office and waits before walking in. We have footage of his hand going onto the door handle but he pauses. We finished filming here for that day and resumed on the Monday after.

The third day filming was at a house in Chorley where we captured the footage of our young actor. This is showing how the character was interested in science from a young age and we show him doing experiments and getting excited about it.

The fourth day filming, we had our actor go into make-up to make him look older. We resumed filming from the door-hand sequence. So when he opens the door to the office, he is older, the idea is that this is his office and he's coming to work. We captured footage of him walking into the office and putting on a lab coat, he sits down and starts to take over from the voiceover, this is the ending scene.

We have captured other small shots that either went wrong the first time round or that we hadn't shot yet. We re-filmed some of the footage from the first day where our actor was researching science on a computer. We did this again because the footage that we captured the first time wasn't very good and there were people in the shot that weren't meant to be. We also filmed some extra shots of someone talking to our actor on Facebook, they call him 'weird'; we shot this because we realised that it fits in with our voiceover.

Music - For our music, we have found something that we think will work, made by someone on Youtube. We have sent them an e-mail and have clearance to use it for our work.

Titles - The titles that we wanted have been created using photoshop, we have imported them into Premiere for the editing stage.

Voiceover - We recorded the voiceover in on of the sound booths, using the equipment in there: a mixer, a microphone and a mac computer.

Monday 14 January 2013

Magazine Article Designing 3

My idea for the pixellated circle didn't work the way that I wanted it to, so I have done it differently.

Magazine Article Designing 2

So far I have finished the outline for my image, using the copying tool to make copies of each box and then using the arrow keys to place them in the correct places.

Magazine Article Designing 1

I didn't save my chosen layout as a psd file so I am designing over the top of the jpg file.

I created boxes over the top of the previous ones on the picture using the rectangle tool and added text to the title box. I tilted the text at a slant using the transform - rotate tool.

I have started designing an image for the Raster example. I created the circle using the ellipse tool and I have started to create the boxes to make up the image using the rectangle tool and the fill tool to add colour to each box.

Monday 7 January 2013

Magazine Layouts - Unit 54

I created this magazine layout using the basic tools in Photoshop. I wanted to use circles to make the article more interesting, instead of only using square and rectangular boxes. I used circular text spaces to be slightly different from the rest of the article and to break up the square images.

I want to use a large title at the edge of the page so that it would be eye catching, I used different shapes to break up the text and to make it more interesting.

I wanted to make this layout with a slightly more professional look, I wanted a small image to give an example of what the text is talking about, but I don't want the image to be the main focus of the article. I used different sized rectangles and a slanted title to add interest. The second page has more images breaking up the text, to give more examples and the text is broken up into reasonably sized paragraphs which make it readable.