Monday 4 February 2013

Illustrator Logo Designs

To create the teacup, I used the pen tool and made a triangle with three anchor points, I then used the convert anchor point tool to make the point of the triangle into a curve, thus creating the cup shape. To make the top of the cup curved, I added an anchor point to the edge and dragged it to make a curve. To make the inside curve of the cup, I used the pen tool to create a straight line and then I used the convert anchor point tool to curve it. I did the same thing to make the cup handle and once I had drawn the outside part of the handle, I made a copy and scaled the size down to fit inside the original one.

To make the tea bag logo I drew a line for the string with the brush tool. I used the rounded rectangle tool to make the tag and then scaled it down to an appropriate size. To make the camera logo inside I used the rectangle tool to make the shape and then I used to pen tool to make the lens shape, with anchor points to make the corners different. I used the ellipse tool to draw the two circles for the film and then used the brush tool to draw the inside. After placing them all, I grouped them all together by selecting them all and pressing the command and G keys.

To make the teacup, I used the ellipse tool to create an oval shape and then scaled it to the right size.

For the text, I chose the font that I wanted and then typed out the production name. I had to scale down the size to make it fit, then I used the selection tool and placed it on the teacup logo.

When I came back to the designs, I decided that I didn't want to use 'Lights, Camera, Tea' as my production name. Instead I came up with another name 'Neptune's Tea' and have created some other designs for this name. My new design is a tea cup with the planet Neptune outside it.

To create the teacup, I used the same method as I did when creating the teacup for the 'Lights, Camera, Tea' logo. I did create the basic triangle differently; I used the star tool and created a shape, but I used the up and down tools to make a triangle instead of a star, this reduces the points that are in the shape. I used the convert anchor point tool to make the edges curved and I used an ellipse for the top of the teacup. I used an ellipse to create the handle, I copied and pasted the same ellipse and then resized to create the inside of the handle. I copied and pasted the gradient from the Neptune shape behind and onto the ellipse that is the inside of the handle so that it makes the inside of the handle look like it's transparent.

To create Neptune, I used the ellipse tool and made a large circle shape. I used the gradient tool to add the colour and I adjusted the settings accordingly.

To create the tag, I used the paintbrush tool and drew the line, then I created a box using the rectangle tool. I used the text tool to put the text inside the box and then rescaled it to the size that I wanted it.

To create the tea inside the cup I drew a wavy line with the paintbrush tool and then made copies of it. I used the draw inside tool and moved it to look like it is inside the cup. I changed the colour also.

For the text I made a copy of the Neptune circle and used the type on a path tool to create to curve for 'Neptune's Tea' and for 'Productions' I used the same tool but changed it to the inside of the circle.

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