Monday 11 February 2013

Unit 7 - Media Sectors

Private ownership: this is not owned by the government but can still be influenced by it.
Can be owned by a person or a small group of people.
A board of directors have to agree for a decision to be made. They all influence the company.
Broadcasting companies make their money by selling advertising space.
Virgin media and Sky.

Public ownership: the public can invest an buy shares.
Channel M and Preston FM are publicly owned companies. People can buy the advertising space to broadcast their services.
There are also individual investors; Sky could give Preston FM money if they think it is worth investing.
Preston FM sells commercial space and they have public investors.
Advertises local news, events and interests.
Public companies are very specialised to their area.

Public service broadcasting: Funded by the TV license. This influences what they can achieve; how much money they can spend on productions, the quality of what they create. It gives them money so that they can buy programs.
Everyone that has a TV license can influence what the BBC produce. The BBC have to ensure that they produce programs that are suited to everyone. The types of programs change at different times during the day because of the different audiences.
If the public didn't buy a TV license for a year, the BBC wouldn't be able to afford anything.
To keep the public buying the license, the BBC have to produce 'quality' programs that the public will want to watch (that appeal to its investors). We (the general public) are the people that influence what the BBC produce.
Public Service Broadcasting cannot legally be biased. It has to present media without opinions.

Multinationals: SONY, Pictures, Music, Radio, Internet. Owns Tristar pictures and Columbia Pictures and Universal.
Not really broadcasters.
Funded by creating media text (film, magazines, TV shows) they sell them off to broadcasters around the world.
SONY owns a lot of different outlet companies. Buying dvd's pays SONY money, as does buying broadband.

Independents: not public, government or corporate owned. An individual can own this. Can be a commercial company.
Asda FM, Mcdonalds FM, they play their own radio station. They are both commercial companies.
A privately owned company can literally be named after the creator.
Independent broadcast media is popular in America.
Content can be a very big issue (with all broadcasters).

Conglomerate media ownership: lots of little companies combine to make one big company.
Disney - Apple
Time Warner
ITV is a conglomerate company that is made up of at least 30 different smaller companies.

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